Today is June 10th, Scott's last day of work. Tomorrow is June 11th, our official Moving Day. It has been a sad week of goodbyes with dinners, parties, and picnics signaling the end of our cozy life in Berkeley. And life has been cozy and comfortable here.... with family one block away, surrounded by thoughtful and engaging friends, a view of the Golden Gate Bridge from our living room, and some of the best food on the west coast just a short walk down the hill.
We are leaving Berkeley with a feeling of appreciation for the support and inspiration it has given us as we've prepared for this next adventure. There is no shortage of people here who have already done what we are about to do... or some similar experiment in living. The responses we've received to our posts have been an encouragement and reminder to us that we are not alone in our desire to live a simpler life that is in closer connection to nature. People are doing it everywhere, in their own unique ways.
Now the update. On Memorial Day Weekend we had our first overnight visitor to the land. My sister helped us move up "The Essentials", and developed a useful technique for coaxing the baby to sleep in the wagon.
The delivery of the spiral staircase went, but not without a hitch. Something about the geometry of a spiral made it quite unwieldy, and nearly impossible to predict which way it will fall or when it will lose balance... in the end we got it out of the truck with only one large dent in the bed, and sheering off only a small portion of the tailgate trim... But it didn't roll anyone over, so we feel successful.
We set up a water collection system which consists of a hose, buckets and the wagon... It seems that Penny's 1st birthday present from her grandparents will be one of our basic survival tools. It transports water AND puts the baby to sleep at the same time? Perfect.
Our current apartment is now completely packed and ready to start hauling tomorrow. Everything is in boxes and divided into piles based on its destination: tent or storage. Once we leave, we won't have electricity or internet, so we will try to be consistent about getting to the library to post updates. Thanks to everyone for all the help and support and prayers and well wishes. We are on our way!