What? Is this the beginning of another garage sale to eliminate our worldly possessions, and embark on a journey without any for-thought or planning whatsoever? One where we fly to a randomly chosen country where we don't know the language- where we don't know where we'll go, or how long we'll be gone, or even why?
No-- no such thing is happening. I just have the sudden urge to resume broadcasting my life as if people should be interested in what I'm doing.... They really shouldn't be, but I think there might be a couple people out there who love me, and would be kinda happy to have a little window into my life. That's what the internet is all about right? I opened a facebook account. I know.
I don't pretend to think that this little life I live in Berkeley, California is anything special, but I'd like to share it with you none the less. But where to start? With what we've been doing for the past two years? That seems overly cumbersome and boring. Maybe I'll just start with today & work backwards.
Just said good bye to Judy, Mark & Dave---all flying to Chicago tomorrow. But I'll see them in Chicago on Saturday, so it wasn't such a sad goodbye.
Minutes before...said good bye to Scott who is going over to the neighbors for a night cap. I'll be sleeping by the time he returns.
So, maybe it's not so surprising that I feel the need to broadcast a hello after so many good byes...
Hey, well.. . I read this, and I always appreciate a window into anyone's thinking. I'm glad many of those goodbyes were only temporary, and that we remain a little family here in CA so far. Love you -Mark
Cool picture of your apartment! Very artistic:)
Mom Mikal
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