Thursday, September 07, 2006

Titulo; perspectivo!

Hey team.
Turrialba was a nice mini version of San Jose. Kind of a hub mountain town. This country is a hurricane of activity - or at least it seems that way on foot. Even if it´s a pouring monsoon rain, Ticos (Costa Ricans) are everywhere doing everything on foot themselves. They would probably think a place like I-80 in los Estados Unidos was a similar frenzy.
We took a bus up further in the mountains one day and checked out a pre-Columbian ruin. It had aqueducts feeding some pools and irrigation canals that were built around 1400AD and were still working. Remember ya´ll - they didn´t have the wheel.
Annie and I are trying to find a spanish program\school. We have some great leads. We´ve been here a week now and have learned much (espagnol- see!) on our own. We truly know that is our primary goal here. We don´t have much of a desire to ´adventure seek´ just yet. We haven´t even been to the coast yet- we just want to communicate so badly. Why do anything if you can´t do that? This place is not simply mountains, jungle, coast etc. -- it´s a people. We want to know them foremost.
Hey we miss you all. Glad we can communicate like this.

P.S. Anybody want to get a new perspective on how great and humanitarian America is? read Understanding Power: the Indespensible Chomsky. For those of you who don´t like politics, don´t worry- it´s more history.


Barb Heine said...

Hi kids, Sounds like you're having a good time. I love viewing acient ruins, aren't they cool?? Dad and I saw Mayan ruins in Mexico that were great. Love you two
Have some frio cervesa on your birthday

amy said...

Que pasa mi hermano y hermana!
so this is the bloggy blog. I would like to know who coined the term blog. Is it legit? blog, grog, clog, phrog, blop, frop, plop..what is going on? really.
perhaps the evolution of some new global, one world language? I'm intrigued.
It is great to hear about life in costa rica, specifically, you in costa rica. the struggle to discern why you are there, how to use your time responsibly, which ways to grow and learn. you are living the adventure! which I think usually involves not quite knowing what the adventure is initially and not quite knowing how you fit into it. so I'm stoked to see how all of that unfolds and to learn from you.
chomsky. hmm.
oh! - also, I wanted to wish the heine bros. (& Judy!) Feliz Cumpleano! Hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday. I happened to see a case of red stripe in the grocery store yesterday and thought of you. nothing like liquor to remind you of loved ones. just kidding! I'm so sentimental. I look forward to celebrating many future family birthdays together. you guys are the best.
Annie and Scott, get yer blog on and write again soon. It is great to hear from you.
Love you tons.

ps. here is a website with fun Spanish activities: